My Method of Reading Tarot Cards

Published on
May 11, 2023

When I first started reading tarot cards, I was not sure about how to connect properly with the cards.

What’s the process that allows the cards to talk for themselves?

How, in the randomness of the cards that I pull from the deck, they tell the story, the energy of the querent and answer the question?

Well, after many books, practice and self-inquiry I realize that it's exactly because of the random order that the cards show up that they are able to give us meaningful insights.

Futurology and predictions are things that are abstracts and cannot have a scientific base or method to be described. Every exact science is based on repetition of circumstances that replicate a certain situation or event and that can be observed several times.

In my opinion it’s because there’s no “right method” to read tarot and everyone has their own approach to it that it works.

The way I can describe my readings it’s based on the energy I feel.

I use several spreads depending on the situation and question asked but the process of connection with this energy/source/spiritual guidance it’s normally the same.

First of all, I use anything that creates in my mind an energetic signature of the querent.

This can be the aura and energy that the person emanates, their expressing, posture or tone of voice is this is an in-person consultation.

If it’s an online consultation I can use a name, nickname or any label that the querent identifies with. 

The question itself and how it’s asked also gives me pieces of energy that I can connect with.

A date of birth or context that the querent might want to provide before the session it’s also helpful.

Basically, all the pieces combined allows me to create an energetic signature that I visualize and hold it in my mind for the rest of the session and open space for the next steps.

After having the querent in my mind in this way, I hold the tarot deck I choose for that particular reading and while shuffling I ask guidance and clarity from High dimensional beings, angel or Spirit guides that could help with that reading.

I also summon the intention to help the querent with the answers and provide the most accurate and meaningful interpretation possible.

In a few seconds I get the answer in the form of goosebumps and chills in my whole body. It’s something subtle and not intrusive but gives me the allowance that I need to process forward, and I know that I’m in the right place to start.

The process of laying down the cards according to the spread that I previously choose starts.

I visualize individually in my mind any particular placement of the cards and its significance to have a more accurate spread.

Depending on the deck I choose, I can get different meanings for the same card because the symbolism and art is different in each deck.

Each reading is different not just because of the deck, spread or place but because each person has their own vibrational energy that will summon from the cards the appropriate message.

Normally the process of reading the cards starts with a general overview of them and making some logical conclusions based on the overall energy, how many cards of each suit, arcana, direction etc.

The intuitive process comes a few moments later with the combination of the energetic signature of the querent and the cards in front of me. 

This comes in the form of images, words or feelings that I translate to the querent like I’m translating a text from one language to another.

The entire answer or message can come to me in a few seconds but of course I need much more time to be able to deliver the best interpretation possible and translate the entire spread.

My purpose it’s not just to deliver the message of the cards but also helps to understand that each end it’s the doorway to a new beginning. Every “bad” card can have a positive view the same as any “good” card can lead to accommodation and stagnation.

Still today, after many readings, I’m still surprised how the cards can reveal what’s in the subconscious of the querent and show in “the real world”, in this case, through Tarot cards the manifestation of the energies around.

Many times, after a reading is finished, I still revisit the spread and see if I missed something. There are also more details that can be added. It’s like when we watch a movie several times; we can always find something that escaped the previews time.

Somehow, it’s like that in life in general. If we think what we could have done differently in any situation we can always find something that we could have changed and improved.

For me, the key it’s to be ok with our imperfections and learn something new that we can use next time. New knowledge, new insights and learning from mistakes. 

Hope my method of reading Tarot cards can bring you some inspiration or clarification and also help you to better connect with your cards if that’s the case.

Alex Afonso
Eternal student of Esoteric Arts such as Astrology, Tarot, Sacred Geometry, Kabbala, Philosophy and more.
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