Dispositor Trees

Published on
March 5, 2023

A Dispositor Tree Diagram is a different approach to analyze the planets in your Astrological Natal Chart. It creates a hierarchy diagram that shows you a sort of Command Chain where your planets operate.

Some pros about the dispositor tree:

  • You don't need your time of birth
  • Shows the 7 main planets in rulership order that it's not obvious in a natal chart.
  • Gives a better visual approach of who give directions.

There are 5 main types of Dispositor Tree Structures:

  • Mutual Reception
  • Final Dispositor
  • Committee
  • Single Planet in rulership
  • Planet in rulership

Each structure has its individual way of operating and shows the different ways you approach life.

Basically, a dispositor it's a planet that control/rules a house where other planets are. This puts that planet in a higher hierarchy level than the disposed ones.

I can create a diagram that is unique for you and your astrological birth chart that can give you a better understanding of the energies that drives you.

This way you can understand the hierarchy of the planets and make conscious decisions on what you should focus first in order to start pouring positive energy into your life that going to affect all areas below.

If you start putting attention on the top layers of the structure, the lower layers going to start working better and also affect each layer (planets) in a more positive way.

Alex Afonso
Eternal student of Esoteric Arts such as Astrology, Tarot, Sacred Geometry, Kabbala, Philosophy and more.
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